Before I start to walk toward the starting position I took a big gulp of water. I then start to walk calmly to the cold and hard track, while my heart pounds like a hippo stomping on the ground. I could see that all the other competitors were giving an evil glare to each other as I try to control all these emotions I have. They were walking like sculpture’s, Their concentration was to get that first place reward, They all had no expression on their faces, I felt scared and worried.The crowd was roaring like lions calling out names I’ve never heard before, and they were so focused on who is going to win?. It’s mystery to all of us. We were all steady and calm on the track, The quality was becoming more intimidating, I slowly walk to my starting position, I could sense that a lot of these women would probably do anything to win that gold medal.
BOOM!! the gun blew out a loud yet big shrieking sequel to my ears, indicating the start of the quest that will yet be finished, We all zoomed straight pass the first metre, I start running at a steady paste, then suddenly everyone ahead of me began to slow down, but it was enough for me to pass them, finally I'm coming second but I didn’t give up just yet, I start to burst my way up but she was to fast, my legs we so tired my heart was racing and pounding like a hurricane, my breathing went out of control I was about to stop but “no” I didn’t “ I’M NOT GONNA STOP!!” I said.
I started focusing on my breathing, as I did, I was on fire I Zoom all the way to the finish line and I CAME FIRST!! I threw my hand in the air waving at my family saying “I WON” over and over again I got the gold medal, I never knew that I would win It was amazing I nearly cried like a baby. I was dancing with delight in an enchanting way, I was filled with glory and joy to my heart, it was an awesome day for me.
I hope you enjoy this story but don't worry it's a fake story, but hope you enjoy it.
Thank you if you do!!!!!